Petaluma Immigration Office Hours
The first Monday of each month, Catholic Charities' Immigration Team will offer legal services at Petaluma Health Center on the first Monday of each month. Drop-in hours are from 1:00-4:00 pm.
Catholic Charities offers the following services:
Immigration Consultations: Review of your current circumstances to see if you qualify for an immigration benefit.
Naturalization: Helps permanent residents apply for citizenship.
DACA: Deferred Action for Youth who came to the U.S. as children.
Family Petitions: Allow U.S. citizens or legal residents to sponsor their families to immigrate to the U.S.
U-Visa / VAWA: An immigration remedy for victims of certain crimes.
T-Visa: An immigration remedy for survivors of human trafficking.
Financial Assistance is Available! Catholic Charities will provide assistance to cover the USCIS filing fee for:
Naturalization ($725)
DACA Renewal: ($495)