Planned giving is a powerful way to ensure you can make your mark on the good work we do here at Catholic Charities today and in the future.
Your generosity is inspiring. Thank you for considering a legacy gift to Catholic Charities. As you’ve known for years, Catholic Charities is a vital safety net for our whole community. Perhaps you value this so much that you’ve already thought about leaving us something in your will to help benefit future generations. You can help us make the best use of your gift by giving us time to plan for it. Maybe we can even show you ways to make your bequest or other legacy gift even more valuable.
Planned giving can benefit you, your family, and your community.
Bequests are vital for the longevity of our work and our ability to step up when we are needed. Plus, a legacy gift can:
- Provide an ongoing source of income for yourself and your loved ones.
- Entitle you to income, gift, or estate tax deductions.
- Be a simple way to support the mission you love for years to come.
Call Catholic Charities’ Development Office for a confidential conversation with a knowledgeable staff member. To reach our team, please call (707) 284-3845 or click here to send us an email.
We want to celebrate you
Make a legacy gift and you’ll become a member of the Fr. Stephen Canny Legacy Circle. As a special part of the Catholic Charities family, you’ll be invited to private gatherings and honored in publications. You can choose to remain anonymous.
Your gift, when received, will be placed in our endowment where it will bring help and hope to future generations. Click here to learn more about Fr. Steve and the Legacy Circle.
A Free Tool to Help You
We at Catholic Charities are excited to share a free estate planning service with our supporters, courtesy of our friends at FreeWill. This resource makes the process simple and affordable for all. It takes 20 minutes or less and makes it free to write or update your will at any time. The FreeWill tool also makes it easy to include a gift to Catholic Charities in your plans. By including a gift in your will, you will help support families in Northern California with shelter, counsel, and hope for generations to come.